The Tabley Carol Concert
Thursday 12th December 2024 7.30pm
St Peter’s Chapel, Tabley
This year for the first time the excellent Gallery Singers will be leading the singing of some of our best known carols and festive songs.
As before these will be interspersed with amusing and seasonal readings for the Christmas Season.
Mince pies and Madeira will be served to complete the evening.
Booking: Please pay by cheque, or by cash on the door.
Prices: £ 17 (£15 for Friends of Tabley and Volunteers).
Cheques should be made payable to the Tabley House Collection Trust and posted in advance to , Tabley House Collection, Tabley House, Tabley Lane, Knutsford, WA16 0HB.
Enquiries: email tel: 01565 750151
Past Events
Tuesday 28th November 2.30pm in the Gallery at Tabley House.
Happy Single Princesses – A talk by Sarah Webb
Happy Single Princesses is a heart-warming story of unexpected royal lives of the grandaughters of Queen Victoria, Princess Helena Victoria and Princess Marie Louise. Their blissful childhoods in Windsor Great Park, near tragedy and survival, duty and philanthropy, kindness, friendship, sisterly companionship and the art of living well. Fans of Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford will find it a delight.
Followed by tea and cake.
Tickets £17 (Friends and volunteers £15)
Available from: Christopher Tetlow
Tel: 0161 928 2137
Event organised by the Friends of Tabley
Tuesday 17th October 2.30pm in the Gallery at Tabley House.
Ramesses II in the North West – Talk by Ian Trumble
The story of the reign of Ramesses II, the Great, as told through the many objects in museum collections across the North of England, particularly in the North West.
Followed by tea and cake.
Tickets £17 (Friends and volunteers £15)
Available from: Christopher Tetlow
Tel: 0161 928 2137
Event organised by the Friends of Tabley
Tuesday 19th September 7.00pm in the Gallery at Tabley House.
Music Makers String Quartet
Music Makers String Quartet is drawn from some of the North West’s finest freelance players. Always comprised of two violins, a viola and a cello, their membership varies to accommodate people’s busy freelance lifestyles. In their concert they will invite us to travel through the ages with them, from Tallis’s famous Canon, via Bach’s 3rd Brandenburg Concerto – who needs nine players? They will then continue on through the Belle Époque via Elgar’s Salon music, and ending up in the world of musical songbooks of the 40s and 50s. They may well take a trip to South America along the way as well.
Wine and canapés to follow.
Tickets £22 (Friends and volunteers £20).
Available from: Christopher Tetlow
Tel: 0161 928 2137
Event organised by the Friends of Tabley
Tuesday 18th April at 2.30pm in the Gallery at Tabley House
Friends AGM followed by Illustrated Talk by Jacqui Hyman on Egyptian textiles in the Bolton Museum.
Followed by tea and cake.
Price: £17 (Friends and volunteers £15)
Organised by the Friends of Tabley.
Saturday 10th June at 7.30pm in the Gallery, Tabley House
Warrington Male Voice Choir presenting a varied and popular programme of song to entertain and delight.
Wine and canapés to follow.
Price: £17 (Friends and volunteers £15).
Organised by the Friends of Tabley
Sunday 18th July at 7pm in the Gallery at Tabley House
Talk on medieval furniture by Janusz Karcewski-Stowikowski a lecturer and researcher in English furniture hisotry and also an antique dealer.
Strawberries and bubbles to follow.
Price £17 (Friends and volunteers £15)
Organised by the Friends of Tabley.
Event bookings contact:
Christopher Tetlow
Tel: 0161 928 2137
Thursday 9th March 2023 at 7pm
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Sarah Webb and Clare Pye team up to present The Four Sisters: the Leicester Warren Girls of Tabley House.
There was Catherine (1838–1881), the daughter who never married and stayed at home. Meriel (1839–1872) ‘lovely and gay’ made a successful marriage but tragically died so early. Eleanor (1841-1914), a fierce protector of the Tabley estate. The youngest of all was Margaret (b. 1847) who recorded so much of her sisters’ lives.
£5.00 Online only via zoom – please book by clicking on the button below.
Students can receive a 40% discount code to use at checkout by emailing
Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7pm
Stanley vs Leicester. A Cheshire Feud. Or “A bundle of old suits tied up in a bag”.
From the 1570s to the 1660s, two Cheshire families, the Leicesters of Tabley and the Stanleys of Alderley, quarrelled over who controlled Over Alderley. The feud was made worse because they were on opposite sides in the Civil War.
We don’t have the story from the Stanley side, but we have copious archives from the Leicesters, with comments by that most energetic and pernickety historian, Sir Peter Leicester of Tabley.
£5.00 Online only via zoom – please book by clicking on the button below.
Students can receive a 40% discount code to use at checkout by emailing
Thursday 17th November 2022 at 7pm
‘Isolation and Patriotism – Sir John Fleming Leicester and the formation of a British Art Collection in the early nineteenth Century’
An online talk by Clare Pye
Due to the ongoing wars in Europe, Sir John like many others was forced to study the myths and literature of Britain. Discovering the sublime in Snowdonia and the Lake District, rather than Tivoli and Tuscany. In this talk Clare Pye discusses how this influenced many different aspects of Sir John’s life, with particular focus on his art collection and his patronage of the Cheshire Yeomanry.
£5.00 Online only via zoom – please book by clicking on the button below.
Students can receive a 40% discount code to use at checkout by emailing
Thursday 8th December 2022 at 7pm
‘Jam and Magic Lanterns: A Victorian Year with the Leicesters of Tabley’
An online talk by Sarah Webb
One fascinating generic year in the lives of the Leicesters of Tabley House constructed from the surviving diaries, photograph albums, letters, engravings and family doggerel.
£5.00 (Students £3) Online only via zoom – please book by clicking on the button below.
Students can receive a 40% discount code to use at checkout by emailing
Tuesday 28th June at 7.00pm in the Gallery, Tabley House
Alteri Chamber Choir
In what will be one of the first performances by Alteri since the pandemic, they will be presenting some of their favourite repertoire, including music from the Tudor period, pieces to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation, and a sequence of words and music on the theme of trees.
Concert followed by wine and canapés in the Portico Room.
Tickets: £17, Friends £15.
To book please contact Christopher Tetlow, email: tel: 0161 928 2137.
Tuesday 26th July at 7.00pm in the Gallery, Tabley House
The Age of Elegance: Georgian Furniture
Illustrated talk on English furniture by Janusz Karczewski-Stowikowski
The term Georgian immediately conjures up images of elegant English furniture. This lecture traces the development of elegance through style in relation to the design and construction of furniture during the 18th Century. It commences with an appraisal of early 18th Century walnut furniture and progresses through the Mahogany Ricoco style of the 1740s and 1760s to the fancy-wood neo-classical styles of the last quarter of the century.
Followed by strawberries and bubbles in the Portico Room
Tickets £17, Friends £15
To book please contact Christopher Tetlow, email: tel: 0161 928 2137.
Thursday 10th March 2022 at 7pm ONLINE WINTER TALKS
‘Women and Property in the eighteenth century, Owners and Managers’ – An online talk by Clare Pye.
Most people are aware that women rarely owned property outright until the passage of the Married Women’s Property Act in 1881. An heiress’s property passed to her husband when she married. But that is not the whole story. Could a woman be protected from unscrupulous husbands? Could she manage property even if she did not own it? The story is much more diverse, especially when it is set in the context of the Industrial Revolution and a rapidly changing society. While concentrating on the situation at Tabley, the lecture will look wider and include other heiresses such as Mary Booth at Dunham Massey and Elizabeth Wilbraham at Weston Park.
Thursday 27th January 2022 at 7pm ONLINE WINTER TALKS
‘John Fleming Leicester as a patron of Contemporary British Art’ – An online talk by Hannah Lyons
When Sir John Fleming Leicester, 1st Lord de Tabley, died in 1827, his obituary in The Gentleman’s Magazine praised him as ‘the greatest patron of the native school of painting that our Island ever possessed.’ Unlike many contemporary collectors, who sought out works by the Old Masters, Sir John devoted his life to patronising and collecting British art. Join us for this online talk, where we will explore Sir John’s unparalleled collection, which was displayed at Tabley House, and his Hill Street Gallery in London.
Online only, price £5
Please click on the button below to reach our Eventbrite page, to register and book.
Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 2.30pm in the Gallery at Tabley House
Jam and Magic Lanterns (A Victorian year with the Leicesters of Tabley) –A talk by Sarah Webb
‘Join’ the Leicester family through the four seasons of their year; winter in Cheshire, spring in Brighton, and the hectic entertainments of the London summer season.
Followed by tea and cake in the Portico Room.
Admission FREE (including tea and cake) and everyone welcome.
To book contact: Christopher Tetlow email:, tel: 0161 928 2137
Thursday 18th November 2021 at 7pm ONLINE WINTER TALKS
A Detective’s Tour of Tabley House – An online talk by Clare Pye
In 1760 local people would have realised that Sir Peter Byrne Leicester was up to something; after all he had diverted the old road from Knutsford to Northwich to create his new private park. Then suddenly in 1763 four great columns of Runcorn stone reared themselves up in the flat Cheshire landscape. Follow the clues in this detective story. Hear about Sir Peter’s plans for his new House, and the way of life he and his family expected to lead there. Then discover the layers and many stories which are superimposed on each other as his son and grandson each adapted Tabley House to suit their needs.
Online only, price £5
Please use the link below to reach our Eventbrite page, to register and book.
Thursday 9th December 2021 at 7.30pm in St Peter’s Chapel, Tabley.
Tabley Carol Concert
The Border Singers will once again lead the singing of favourite carols and festive songs, interspersed with amusing and seasonal readings for the Christmas season.
Followed by mince pies and Madeira.
Admission £17, Friends of Tabley and volunteers £15.
To book contact: Christopher Tetlow email:, tel: 0161 928 2137
Thursday 16th December 2021 at 7pm ONLINE WINTER TALKS
‘Angelick Georgiana’: Scenes from the life of Georgiana, Lady de Tabley – An online talk by Sarah Webb.
Spring 1810, Hampton Court Palace. When impecunious Mrs Lavinia Cottin sent her 15- year old daughter Georgiana out to play in one of the palace courtyards she knew the afternoon would change their lives for ever. Georgiana returned to find George, Prince of Wales and Sir John Leicester of Tabley House with her mother. Sir John, a Regency dandy with a complicated private life, proposed to her ‘Angelick Georgiana’ and Mrs Cottin accepted with relief. Join this intriguing story of Regency romance, extravagant entertainments, threats of disinheritance and discover whether anyone received the happy ending they deserved.
Online only, price £5
Please use the link below to reach our Eventbrite page, to register and book.
Why not use the link below and watch the video to get a quick taster of this fascinating talk.